
Publication List (Note: Author names are abbreviated for consistency. My name, Z Li, is highlighted in the author lists)

Peer-Reviewed Publications:


  1. T Feng, L Qu, Z Li, H Zhan, Y Hua, G Haffari, IMO: Greedy Layer-Wise Sparse Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Text Classification with Pre-trained Models, Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference (ACL), 2024. (CORE A*)

  2. MD Vu, H Wang, Z Li, J Chen, S Zhao, Z Xing, C Chen, GPTVoiceTasker: Advancing Multi-step Mobile Task Efficiency Through Dynamic Interface Exploration and Learning, ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2024. (CORE A*)

  3. Y Chai, Z Li, J Liu, L Chen, F Li, D Ji, C Teng, Compositional Generalization for Multi-label Text Classification: A Data-Augmentation Approach, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024. (CORE A*)

  4. H Zhan, Z Li, X Kang, T Feng, Y Hua, L Qu, Y Ying, MR Chandra, RENOVI: A Benchmark Towards Remediating Norm Violations in Socio-Cultural Conversations, North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (NAACL) Findings, 2024. (CORE A)

  5. Z Li, L Haroutunian, R Tumuluri, P Cohen, G Haffari, Improving Cross-Domain Low-Resource Text Generation through LLM Post-Editing: A Programmer-Interpreter Approach, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (EACL) Findings, 2024. (CORE A)

  6. H Zhan, Y Wang, Z Li, T Feng, Y Hua, S Sharma, L Qu, I Zukerman, Let’s Negotiate! A Survey of Negotiation Dialogue Systems, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (EACL) Findings, 2024. (CORE A)

  7. Z Zeng, S Liu, L Sha, Z Li, K Yang, S Liu, D Gašević, G Chen, Detecting AI-Generated Sentences in Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Texts: Challenges, Strategies, and Insights, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), AI for Social Good Track, 2024. (CORE A*)

  8. J Liu, B Li, Z Li, Y Chai, F Li, C Teng, D Ji, Generative Dialogue Sentiment and Act Recognition with Feature Denoising and Set Prediction, International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing (NLPCC), 2024.

  9. S Qu, W Wang, X Zhou, H Zhan, Z Li, L Qu, L Luo, YF Li, G Haffari, Scalable Frame-based Construction of Sociocultural NormBases for Socially-Aware Dialogues, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM), 2024.

  10. D Mollá, Q Xu, Z Zeng, Z Li, Overview of the 2024 ALTA Shared Task: Detect Automatic AI-Generated Sentences for Human-AI Hybrid Articles, Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop (ALTA), 2024.


  1. T Hu, Z Li, X Jin, L Qu, X Zhang, TMID: A Comprehensive Real-world Dataset for Trademark Infringement Detection in E-Commerce, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Industry Track, 2023. (CORE A*)

  2. Z Li, Y Chai, TY Zhuo, L Qu, G Haffari, F Li, D Ji, QH Tran, Factual: A benchmark for faithful and consistent textual scene graph parsing, Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference (ACL) Findings, 2023. (CORE A*)

  3. Z Li, L Qu, PR Cohen, RV Tumuluri, G Haffari, The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Human and Machine Translations for Multilingual Semantic Parsing with Active Learning, Association for Computational Linguistics Annual Conference (ACL), 2023. (CORE A*)

  4. H Zhan, Z Li, Y Wang, L Luo, T Feng, X Kang, Y Hua, L Qu, LK Soon, SocialDial: A Benchmark for Socially-Aware Dialogue Systems, International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Resource Track, 2023. (CORE A*)

  5. MD Vu, H Wang, Z Li, G Haffari, Z Xing, C Chen, Voicify Your UI: Towards Android App Control with Voice Commands, ACM Journal on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2023.

  6. TY Zhuo, Z Li, Y Huang, F Shiri, W Wang, G Haffari, YF Li, On Robustness of Prompt-based Semantic Parsing with Large Pre-trained Language Model: An Empirical Study on Codex, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (EACL), 2023. (CORE A)

  7. Z Li, G Haffari, Active Learning for Multilingual Semantic Parser, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (EACL) Findings, 2023. (CORE A)


  1. F Shiri, TY Zhuo, Z Li, V Nguyen, S Pan, W Wang, R Haffari, YF Li, Paraphrasing Techniques for Maritime QA system, International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2022. (CORE B)

  2. Z Li, L Qu, Q Xu, T Wu, T Zhan, G Haffari, Variational Autoencoder with Disentanglement Priors for Low-Resource Task-Specific Natural Language Generation, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2022. (CORE A*)

  3. T Wu, M Caccia, Z Li, YF Li, G Qi, G Haffari, Pretrained language model in continual learning: A comparative study, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022. (CORE A*)


  1. Z Li, L Qu, G Haffari, Total Recall: a Customized Continual Learning Method for Neural Semantic Parsers, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2021. (CORE A*)

  2. S Huang, Z Li, L Qu, L Pan, On Robustness of Neural Semantic Parsers, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (EACL), 2021. (CORE A)

  3. Z Li, L Qu, S Huang, G Haffari, Few-Shot Semantic Parsing for New Predicates, European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (EACL), 2021. (CORE A)


  1. Z Li, L Qu, G Haffari, Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing: A Survey, International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2020. (CORE B)


  1. Z Li, L Qu, Q Xu, M Johnson, Unsupervised pre-training with seq2seq reconstruction loss for deep relation extraction models, Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop (ALTA), 2016. (CORE C)

Preprints/Under Review:


  1. Z Li, Y Hua, TT Vu, H Zhan, L Qu, G Haffari, SCAR: Efficient Instruction-Tuning for Large Language Models via Style Consistency-Aware Response Ranking, arXiv preprint.

  2. T Feng, L Qu, N Tandon, Z Li, X Kang, G Haffari, From pre-training corpora to large language models: What factors influence llm performance in causal discovery tasks?, arXiv preprint.

  3. S Huang, W MacLean, X Kang, A Wu, L Qu, Q Xu, Z Li, X Yuan, G Haffari, NAP^2: A Benchmark for Naturalness and Privacy-Preserving Text Rewriting by Learning from Human, arXiv preprint.

  4. X Kang, L Qu, LK Soon, Z Li, A Trakic, Bridging Law and Data: Augmenting Reasoning via a Semi-Structured Dataset with IRAC methodology, arXiv preprint.

  5. Y Hua, Z Li, L Luo, KA Satriadi, T Feng, H Zhan, L Qu, S Sharma, Sadas: A dialogue assistant system towards remediating norm violations in bilingual socio-cultural conversations, arXiv preprint.


  1. Z Li, G Haffari, R Tumuluri, PR Cohen, System and method for active learning based multilingual semantic parser, US Patent App. 18/318,225, 2024.


  1. Z Li, Semantic Parsing in Limited Resource Conditions, PhD’s Thesis at Monash University, 2023.
  2. Z Li, Representation Learning for Weakly Supervised Relation Extraction, Master’s Thesis at Australian National University, 2015.